Holographic Studio Holographic Studio Holographic Studio Holographic Studio

Recent technological advances in holography have been successfully used for many commercial objectives :

Protect brand from copies.
With many industries suffering from copycat and counterfeit products such as licensed goods, holograms is an effective way to avoid customer confusion with low quality copies.

Enhance corporate image as a quality company
Most major luxury brands use holograms to indicate authenticity which is critical to maintain an image of supreme quality.

Differentiate product from competition
In a competitive marketplace adding a beautifully designed hologram on the packaging increases the perceived value and justifies a higher price.

Product Safety
Industries where safety is important, such as toys and products geared toward children, original quality is essential as parents look for safe products for their children.

Protect interests of retailers and distributors
Retailers and distributors are more apt to work with companies who make an effort to fight counterfeiting which will protect their interests as well as those of the manufacturer. An image of premium quality enhances the image of the retailers and distributors as well as the brand.

Holograms on tags and packaging are immediately associated with premium quality and originality in the eyes of consumers. This small attention to detail is a very effective marketing strategy that pays for itself very quickly by adding to product appeal as well as developing long term brand identification with excellent quality.

Cost effectiveness
As with any marketing expenditure it is important to invest wisely in your brand. There are few marketing tools as cost effective as a sparkling hologram to make your brand stand out from the crowd. The unique system of Holographic Studio, S.L. makes this marketing approach even more feasible to businesses of virtually any size with much lower minimum order quantities and at prices surprisingly affordable.